Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Jinx...

It never fails. You're watching a football game and the announcer says something like, "He hasnt thrown an interception in his last 148 attempts." Then, sure enough, the next play is an INT. Similarly, everyone knows it is a huge taboo to talk to a pitcher while hes working on a no hitter late in the game. Well, this past weekend Paulo was the announcer, making me the QB throwing the INT. He mentioned how I was lucky to have gotten through last week's drive down to New Orleans and back without problem but that he "prediticted the IT/piriformis would start acting up again." Sure enough, last night the outside of my knee started hurting.

As a consequence I had to cut the run short and wont run today. Hopefully though it shouldn't derail training for too long as today I go on the offensive, first with a trip to see Ken Strickland, ART practitioner, and then tonight I'll hit the cylinder of pain with a vengence. While not being able to run is never a good thing, if I have to be out, at least this is the time of year for it.


MarkyV said...

get healthy fast man!

Paulo Sousa said...

I thought this post would be about how awesome I am that I predicted the future!

khai said...

Way to go, coach!